Apr 27, 2009


1) I have decided to put an end to my posts about love that I have myself so indulged in for the past few months. For now (now as apparent illusions and imaginations).

2) But that does not mean love is inconsistent, for love is true to the test of time; and that the eventual love is to see the happiness in her/him and be delighted in return.

3) I do admit having been flawed. I could only sincerely ask for understanding and forgiveness - as to err is human, to forgive divine. :p

4) For whom love may to what an extent concern, I do not know. However, I hope love will always be a pleasant and valuable experience in the process of learning and of life.


May she/he who has never loved before, love tomorrow; and may she/he who has loved, love tomorrow again. :)>

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